Design Your Dream Career

Design Your Dream Career

Have you ever found yourself asking, “What do I want to be when I grow up?”, even though you’re a grown up? Well, you’re not alone. Coming up with a business idea is hard enough, and then putting it into action is the next hardest part. It’s frustrating when you have so many great business ideas, and yet you’re not actually on your way to achieving any of them. Why is that? For me, I struggled with narrowing down the prospective business. I’d come up with a great idea that I felt was a great fit for me, only to get distracted the next day, and come up with another, completely different idea the next week that I thought could work even better! Then, I contemplated which was actually better… Then I got distracted again, and what do you know… years kept passing and I was no further along at starting my dream career.

How can you combat this decision fatigue and finally start building your business? You need to get really clear about what exactly you are trying to do. As long as you allow your energy and mental space to go to ideas that will never realistically work for where you currently are, you will not have much success at creating your dream career.

See below to find out how you can design YOUR dream career, or jump straight to my FREE worksheet which includes directions by signing up below.

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Step 1: Remember that this is your dream right now.

One of the problems I’ve always had when determining a career path is that I have so many interests. How could I choose only one? It seems so limiting, and sort of like I’ll be missing out on these other things I enjoy. Just remember, this can be your dream for the next 10 years (or however many you decide), and then you can decide to go after your next dream! And so on, and so forth.

Step 2: Write Down Every Career and/or Business Idea You’ve Ever Considered

Yes, Your list may be reeeeeeally long.. Mine was. Or maybe it’s fairly short. Just be honest with yourself. Don’t rush this. Take your time and be sure you have really written down EVERYTHING. Even if it’s the one thing you only thought of one time ever, like being an astronaut. This is important.

Step 3: Write Down Your Dream Requirements

Picture this: You’re living your dream life. Your “work” consists of something you enjoy. You are your own boss. You own your time!! What do your days look like? How does your dream career fit into your dream life?

Write down every single thing that you want out of your dream career. Things like, “ability to work from home”, “some travel”, “low start up cost”, “no degree necessary”, “can start right away”, etc.

*This will double as your “why”, AKA the reasoning behind your decision of dream career which you can fall back on if you ever start to forget WHY you’re doing what you’re doing. It is extremely important to be clear on your “why” in order to achieve your goals.

Step 4: Evaluate Your Career/Business Options Based on Your Dream Requirements

Go through each career one by one and consider all of your requirements you just listed. Make a legend or a grading system to determine which career meets a majority of your requirements.

Step 5: Get Laser Focused

For me, going through this exercise clearly spelled out which career paths would not work for me RIGHT NOW. Once it was made clear which career path met all my requirements, I was able to immediately shut down any new ideas I had (since most of them were on my original list), and remind myself that I already have a dream career I am working on. And, when I wasn’t currently super focused on or working toward my current dream career, this served as a nice reminder to get my butt back into it because I do want to make my dreams a reality.

Step 6: Take Action

After completing this exercise, it should be much easier to take action because you won’t have as many distractions and your “why” will be very clear.

Have you done the work to find your dream career? Let me know what you came up with in the comments!



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